Providing a peaceful place for people to spend time with their neighbors and pets

Neighbors + Pets
Located behind the Central Commons building (4711 Westside Dr.), we are a community-funded park that is open to the public. Order a drink from Westside Coffee during business hours and we'll bring it out to you!
The park is open from sun-up to sunset. Bathrooms are available in the Central Commons building: Monday-Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm, and Saturday-Sunday from 8:00am -12:00pm
Central Dog Park Rules
Dogs must be properly vaccinated and healthy (free of contagious conditions, diseases, and parasites). This means no puppies under 4 months of age.
Please take your dog off leash before entering the dog park.
Dogs must wear rabies and city registration tags on collar.
Owners must dispose of canine’s fecal material.
Children under 12 years of age must be under strict supervision.
Owner must be within visual sight and voice control of their dog at all times.
Owners must remove any pinch, prong, or spiked collars before entering the fenced area.
Leash dogs while entering and exiting the staging area. Please do not enter the play area with your dog leashed.
Aggressive dogs are not permitted. If aggressive behavior occurs, the dog must leave the park.
Dogs in heat are prohibited.
No more than 3 dogs per owner.
Rawhides, food (dog or human), and glass bottles are not permitted.
No smoking or alcohol or persons under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants are allowed in the dog park.
Persons entering the property assume the risk of injury or damage to themselves or pets within their custody and agree to indemnify Central Commons for any such injury or damage to any other person, pet, or property.
City of Dallas Rules
Although we are not a City of Dallas Park, we are still subject to local rules related to dogs and dog parks. Please review these and ensure you are abiding by these rules.
Help us maintin the park.
We can direct your donation to support a specific project like the Dog Park or support Central Commons in general.

Frequently asked questions about Central Commons.
What is Central Commons?
Why is this important?
What do we actually do?
How can I help?
Contact us
For any inquiries, please email
For urgent matters, call us at
+1 (469) 753-9007